HA16: Fimbriae of infundibulum and ampulla, human H&E

This low magnification micrograph (HA16) shows the first two segments of the oviduct, the infundibulum (funnel) and ampulla (dilated end), in cross section. The fimbriae (HA16 f) are finger-like projections or free folds of the infundibulum. The fimbriae surround the opening of the oviduct. The ciliary action of cells in their epithelium and the gentle contractions of the fimbriae move the ovulated oocyte into the oviduct, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLmg4wSHdxQ&feature=fvw . Adjacent to the infundibulum is the next portion of the oviduct, called the ampulla. This is the longest section of the oviduct, generally considered to be about 1/2 to 2/3 of the total length. Its folds of mucosa form a rich network across the lumen (HA16 a).