Histology Website Resources
In Anatomy 710, there are 3 Units or Blocks, each of which contains either 3 or 4 independent study lab exercises for the fall semester. Two additional blocks or units are part of Anatomy 711, Integrated Medical Anatomy, in the spring semester. At the end of each Block, there will be an exam, which includes 8-15 image questions.
Each topic has a Lab Introductory Video, http://videos.med.wisc.edu/events/140, to guide your approach to learning the material. Please watch the video before starting each exercise.
There are 10-30 images in each exercise. Each has a brief, descriptive caption to help orient you to the image and to provide labels that identify individual cells and structures. Follow the Instructions to navigate through the images.
We do not cover the methods of sample fixation, sectioning and staining because you will not use them as a student. If you are interested in these techniques, please contact Dr. Lyons, who can give you an overview of the process and introduce you to the use of a microscope. The recommended text, Ross and Pawlina, Histology A Text and Atlas, 6th edition 2011, devotes a chapter to histology methods and the use of microscopes.
Additional Resources
Links to other Histology Websites are provided. The purposes of these other sites are to give you the option of:
- examining more images (4 websites) to sharpen your image analysis skills,
- using a virtual microscope to view images at low and high magnification, http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo/virtualhistology.htm
- testing yourself with additional multiple choice and short answer quizzes, http://www.lab.anhb.uwa.edu.au/mb140/, to assess your knowledge,
- viewing normal and pathological images in a “mouse-over” approach, http://medpics.ucsd.edu/index.cfm?curpage=main&course=hist&mode=browse
- Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Histology
- Boston University Histology Learning System
- University of Delaware Histology Images
- Ohio State Virtual Histology Labratory
Video links
Histology is the study of static images of organelles, cells and tissues. There are many youtube videos, animations, and live imaging of cells in motion online but many of them are not helpful. So, we’ve provided some helpful animations and videos for your convenience. These are also listed in your course module.
These animations and live cell videos were chosen for their brevity and relevance to CSF. Some contain advertising that cannot be deleted but can be skipped or turned off. If you encounter problems accessing a particular video, please contact Dr. Lyons immediately.
Some videos are self explanatory, but others, particularly those without an audio portion, will require you to read the coursebook information for understanding of what is in the video. Information from other courses, particularly Biochemistry, will aid in your understanding of terminology used in some of these videos.
Click on the links below to watch the videos.
Block 1
If the link does not work with Safari, use Chrome or Firefox.
Cell Biology
Fluid mosaic model - https://youtu.be/Qqsf_UJcfBc
Membrane proteins - https://youtu.be/C8eJsQjJVqk
Voyage inside the Cell: Membrane - https://youtu.be/GW0lqf4Fqpg
Membrane Transport Animation - https://youtu.be/prfMUwjobo8
Actin Induced Motility - https://youtu.be/sHFN48il9YY
Intermediate filaments - https://youtu.be/JO3friUYw_E
Microtubule dynamics - https://youtu.be/9ICqcZ99qGk
Organelle movement on microtubules - https://youtu.be/5rqbmLiSkpk
DNA packaging - https://youtu.be/9kQpYdCnU14
Epigenetic regulation - https://youtu.be/Tj_6DcUTRnM
Stages of mitosis - https://youtu.be/VGV3fv-uZYI
Mitosis (6 minutes) - https://youtu.be/C6hn3sA0ip0?list=PL978360DC8EE52FCB
Mitochondria function - http://youtu.be/Nq5w-8iBuTs
Protein synthesis - http://vimeo.com/6812276
Vesicular transport pathway - https://youtu.be/rvfvRgk0MfA
Summary of exocytosis - https://youtu.be/guqCEa7Y4RA?list=PL2D95378069C810B8
Protein recycling (Signaling pathways)- http://tinyurl.com/kqc4m5p
Protein modification and vesicle targeting - http://tinyurl.com/mfcejo8
Clathrin, endocytosis - https://youtu.be/-yMvYaj8t0I
Endocytosis, endosome fusion - https://youtu.be/lgHJUkGPBqs
Phagocytosis - http://tinyurl.com/c8uhxeg
Lysosomal functions and diseases - https://youtu.be/i3boE3rGWHk
Apoptosis - https://youtu.be/SyvOPXeg4ig
Through the Virtual Cell - https://youtu.be/YM2X1c4K1x0
Inner Life of the Cell - https://youtu.be/FzcTgrxMzZk
Mucus secretion from goblet cells to trap particulates - http://youtu.be/miEEluVlemQ
Epithelial tissue part 1 - https://youtu.be/ySzK26Z51hI
Intestinal metaplasia - http://youtu.be/mTbeFAOVN8Q
Types (isoforms) of laminin - http://youtu.be/4gTXntQ9nak
Fibroblast wound healing in vitro - http://tinyurl.com/cyxstrw
Adhesion belt junctions - http://youtu.be/pBUIb5jchVo
Cilia - microvilli comparison - http://www.dissolve.com/products/042-17A025-620
Intercellular junctions - https://youtu.be/ARaj3Kz1cCQ
Inner ear stereocilia - https://youtu.be/VxvT_afWVFo
How cilia do the wave - https://youtu.be/Uvs5cOJYw7U
Exocrine glands - https://youtu.be/IiIlO-tpoeM
Overview of the nervous system - http://youtu.be/i-NgGKSNiNw
Vesicle transport in axons - http://youtu.be/-QZJrshalh4
Overview of synapse function - http://youtu.be/LT3VKAr4roo
Synaptic reuptake - http://tinyurl.com/kx4v5sq
Astrocytic endfeet - http://tinyurl.com/opcpjsd
Myelination - http://youtu.be/DJe3_3XsBOg
Peripheral nervous system - https://youtu.be/d9ij6TlDsig
How osmosis works - http://tinyurl.com/o5u57t6
Resting membrane potential - https://youtu.be/iA-Gdkje6pg
How neurotransmission works - https://youtu.be/p5zFgT4aofA
Overview of neuromuscular junction - http://youtu.be/ZscXOvDgCmQ
Block 2
If the link does not work with Safari, use Chrome or Firefox.
Connective Tissue
Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans - https://youtu.be/l3W60xr9ac4
Marfan syndrome - http://youtu.be/3F_uIYKizLo
Myofibroblast - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyoAhyN97ZM
Macrophage phagocytosing bacteria: http://youtu.be/KiLJl3NwmpU
Phagocytosis animation: http://tinyurl.com/c8uhxeg
Mast cells and allergic reactions - http://tinyurl.com/cbmuvvo
3 kinds of cartilage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL_vdJ_uzUY
Treating injured cartilage - http://youtu.be/FMXAJhtM1ZA
Cardiovascular 1
High blood pressure - http://youtu.be/diG519dFVNs
Angioplasty - http://youtu.be/N7nghr9TpSU
Coronary bypass - http://tinyurl.com/puum89
Capillaries - http://youtu.be/Q530H1WxtOw
Continuous capillary, blood-brain barrier - http://tinyurl.com/opcpjsd
Lymphatic system - http://tinyurl.com/d3a7tct
Venous blood return - http://tinyurl.com/kyvnf2s
Angiogenesis and tumors - http://vimeo.com/37119864
Liver Structure and Functions
Liver structure - https://youtu.be/P5_BxsbmXcA
Blood and bile flow in the liver acinus - http://www.siumed.edu/~dking2/erg/liver.htm
Natural killer cell animation - http://youtu.be/HNP1EAYLhOs
Lymph formation in the liver - http://tinyurl.com/buvj6q6
Liver regeneration - http://tinyurl.com/buvj6q6
Neonatal jaundice - http://youtu.be/Qf0TEReL_3Y
Immune System Structure
Blood smear prep - http://youtu.be/9xBcm-1NMqk
Description of platelets - http://vimeo.com/7171880
Diapedesis - https://youtu.be/426PDam1ey4
Helminth infections - http://youtu.be/ab-Cd0k9Y1w
CMI to virally infected cells - http://tinyurl.com/lpz7mnu
AMI to pathogens - http://youtu.be/hQmaPwP0KRI
T cell development in the thymus - http://youtu.be/odLLr6mjaUQ
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes - http://youtu.be/-8Qt1Pygdpo
Humoral immune response - http://youtu.be/L32Na8fGjzA
The immune response - http://tinyurl.com/c5lb7pw
Lymph edema - http://vimeo.com/24398854
Sentinel node biopsy - http://youtu.be/rOWJl6CwxFc
The Lymphatic System - http://tinyurl.com/d3a7tct up to 7:25
Development of a lymph node - https://youtu.be/pbvO27mSfd8
Formation of a germinal center - https://youtu.be/RyZ4JOhIwjM
Leukocyte extravasation (2 minutes) - https://youtu.be/s8SZ11Wpw2k
Interior structure of the spleen - http://vimeo.com/6805886
What does the spleen do? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEi_4Cyx4Uw
Block 3
If the link does not work with Safari, use Chrome or Firefox.
Mechanism of T3 action - http://youtu.be/YUv9PFQper4
Guide to hypothyroidism - http://youtu.be/ehXGaX8lccw
Grave’s disease - http://youtu.be/ySiuqNiVl6s
Thyroidectomy - http://youtu.be/0h5jM7eN6j4
Hypophyseal Portal System - https://youtu.be/Mp9j5amVtSk
Endocrine System Pituitary Gland - http://youtu.be/Vae5CcaPN_8
Steroid, thyroid hormones - https://youtu.be/N3Oso8gHKZo
Bone Tissue Compact & Spongy - https://youtu.be/1rws8ClJELg
Introduction to Bone Biology - http://youtu.be/inqWoakkiTc
Osteoblasts and osteoclasts - http://youtu.be/78RBpWSOl08
Regulation of osteoclast activity - https://youtu.be/GpMV197xZXc
Bone Remodeling and Modeling - http://youtu.be/0dV1Bwe2v6c
Anatomy of a fracture - http://youtu.be/P5HwYWShBhw
Denosumab/Prolia - https://youtu.be/4HVkbV47cc0 stop viewing at 3 minutes
Bone formation, Intamembranous and Endochondral - http://youtu.be/p-3PuLXp9Wg
Skeletal system Regulation of Bone growth - https://youtu.be/DRtYdhBcnBw
Bone growth, length and width - https://youtu.be/G8MHi-JgoEs
Regulation of bone growth - https://youtu.be/DRtYdhBcnBw
Muscular System - https://youtu.be/EdHzKYDxrKc
Smooth Muscle Function - https://youtu.be/yzQAgfivX74
Muscle Contraction Overview - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GneonFlcZG8
Muscle Myosin - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHDRIwRZRVI